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package routing
import (
// TopologyClient represents an intent to receive notifications from the
// channel router regarding changes to the topology of the channel graph. The
// TopologyChanges channel will be sent upon with new updates to the channel
// graph in real-time as they're encountered.
type TopologyClient struct {
// TopologyChanges is a receive only channel that new channel graph
// updates will be sent over.
// TODO(roasbeef): chan for each update type instead?
TopologyChanges <-chan *TopologyChange
// Cancel is a function closure that should be executed when the client
// wishes to cancel their notification intent. Doing so allows the
// ChannelRouter to free up resources.
Cancel func()
// topologyClientUpdate is a message sent to the channel router to either
// register a new topology client or re-register an existing client.
type topologyClientUpdate struct {
// cancel indicates if the update to the client is cancelling an
// existing client's notifications. If not then this update will be to
// register a new set of notifications.
cancel bool
// clientID is the unique identifier for this client. Any further
// updates (deleting or adding) to this notification client will be
// dispatched according to the target clientID.
clientID uint64
// ntfnChan is a *send-only* channel in which notifications should be
// sent over from router -> client.
ntfnChan chan<- *TopologyChange
// SubscribeTopology returns a new topology client which can be used by the
// caller to receive notifications whenever a change in the channel graph
// topology occurs. Changes that will be sent at notifications include: new
// nodes appearing, node updating their attributes, new channels, channels
// closing, and updates in the routing policies of a channel's directed edges.
func (r *ChannelRouter) SubscribeTopology() (*TopologyClient, error) {
// We'll first atomically obtain the next ID for this client from the
// incrementing client ID counter.
clientID := atomic.AddUint64(&r.ntfnClientCounter, 1)
log.Debugf("New graph topology client subscription, client %v",
ntfnChan := make(chan *TopologyChange, 10)
select {
case r.ntfnClientUpdates <- &topologyClientUpdate{
cancel: false,
clientID: clientID,
ntfnChan: ntfnChan,
case <-r.quit:
return nil, errors.New("ChannelRouter shutting down")
return &TopologyClient{
TopologyChanges: ntfnChan,
Cancel: func() {
select {
case r.ntfnClientUpdates <- &topologyClientUpdate{
cancel: true,
clientID: clientID,
case <-r.quit:
}, nil
// topologyClient is a data-structure use by the channel router to couple the
// client's notification channel along with a special "exit" channel that can
// be used to cancel all lingering goroutines blocked on a send to the
// notification channel.
type topologyClient struct {
// ntfnChan is a send-only channel that's used to propagate
// notification s from the channel router to an instance of a
// topologyClient client.
ntfnChan chan<- *TopologyChange
// exit is a channel that is used internally by the channel router to
// cancel any active un-consumed goroutine notifications.
exit chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// notifyTopologyChange notifies all registered clients of a new change in
// graph topology in a non-blocking.
func (r *ChannelRouter) notifyTopologyChange(topologyDiff *TopologyChange) {
numClients := len(r.topologyClients)
// Do not reacquire the lock twice unnecessarily.
if numClients == 0 {
log.Tracef("Sending topology notification to %v clients %v",
newLogClosure(func() string {
return spew.Sdump(topologyDiff)
for _, client := range r.topologyClients {
go func(c *topologyClient) {
defer c.wg.Done()
select {
// In this case we'll try to send the notification
// directly to the upstream client consumer.
case c.ntfnChan <- topologyDiff:
// If the client cancels the notifications, then we'll
// exit early.
case <-c.exit:
// Similarly, if the ChannelRouter itself exists early,
// then we'll also exit ourselves.
case <-r.quit:
// TopologyChange represents a new set of modifications to the channel graph.
// Topology changes will be dispatched in real-time as the ChannelGraph
// validates and process modifications to the authenticated channel graph.
type TopologyChange struct {
// NodeUpdates is a slice of nodes which are either new to the channel
// graph, or have had their attributes updated in an authenticated
// manner.
NodeUpdates []*NetworkNodeUpdate
// ChanelEdgeUpdates is a slice of channel edges which are either newly
// opened and authenticated, or have had their routing policies
// updated.
ChannelEdgeUpdates []*ChannelEdgeUpdate
// ClosedChannels contains a slice of close channel summaries which
// described which block a channel was closed at, and also carry
// supplemental information such as the capacity of the former channel.
ClosedChannels []*ClosedChanSummary
// isEmpty returns true if the TopologyChange is empty. A TopologyChange is
// considered empty, if it contains no *new* updates of any type.
func (t *TopologyChange) isEmpty() bool {
return len(t.NodeUpdates) == 0 && len(t.ChannelEdgeUpdates) == 0 &&
len(t.ClosedChannels) == 0
// ClosedChanSummary is a summary of a channel that was detected as being
// closed by monitoring the blockchain. Once a channel's funding point has been
// spent, the channel will automatically be marked as closed by the
// ChainNotifier.
// TODO(roasbeef): add nodes involved?
type ClosedChanSummary struct {
// ChanID is the short-channel ID which uniquely identifies the
// channel.
ChanID uint64
// Capacity was the total capacity of the channel before it was closed.
Capacity btcutil.Amount
// ClosedHeight is the height in the chain that the channel was closed
// at.
ClosedHeight uint32
// ChanPoint is the funding point, or the multi-sig utxo which
// previously represented the channel.
ChanPoint wire.OutPoint
// createCloseSummaries takes in a slice of channels closed at the target block
// height and creates a slice of summaries which of each channel closure.
func createCloseSummaries(blockHeight uint32,
closedChans ...*channeldb.ChannelEdgeInfo) []*ClosedChanSummary {
closeSummaries := make([]*ClosedChanSummary, len(closedChans))
for i, closedChan := range closedChans {
closeSummaries[i] = &ClosedChanSummary{
ChanID: closedChan.ChannelID,
Capacity: closedChan.Capacity,
ClosedHeight: blockHeight,
ChanPoint: closedChan.ChannelPoint,
return closeSummaries
// NetworkNodeUpdate is an update for a node within the Lightning Network. A
// NetworkNodeUpdate is sent out either when a new node joins the network, or a
// node broadcasts a new update with a newer time stamp that supersedes its
// old update. All updates are properly authenticated.
type NetworkNodeUpdate struct {
// Addresses is a slice of all the node's known addresses.
Addresses []net.Addr
// IdentityKey is the identity public key of the target node. This is
// used to encrypt onion blobs as well as to authenticate any new
// updates.
IdentityKey *btcec.PublicKey
// GlobalFeatures is a set of opaque bytes that describe the set of
// features supported by the node.
GlobalFeatures []byte
// Alias is the alias or nick name of the node.
Alias string
// ChannelEdgeUpdate is an update for a new channel within the ChannelGraph.
// This update is sent out once a new authenticated channel edge is discovered
// within the network. These updates are directional, so if a channel is fully
// public, then there will be two updates sent out: one for each direction
// within the channel. Each update will carry that particular routing edge
// policy for the channel direction.
// An edge is a channel in the direction of AdvertisingNode -> ConnectingNode.
type ChannelEdgeUpdate struct {
// ChanID is the unique short channel ID for the channel. This encodes
// where in the blockchain the channel's funding transaction was
// originally confirmed.
ChanID uint64
// ChanPoint is the outpoint which represents the multi-sig funding
// output for the channel.
ChanPoint wire.OutPoint
// Capacity is the capacity of the newly created channel.
Capacity btcutil.Amount
// MinHTLC is the minimum HTLC amount that this channel will forward.
MinHTLC lnwire.MilliSatoshi
// BaseFee is the base fee that will charged for all HTLC's forwarded
// across the this channel direction.
BaseFee lnwire.MilliSatoshi
// FeeRate is the fee rate that will be shared for all HTLC's forwarded
// across this channel direction.
FeeRate lnwire.MilliSatoshi
// TimeLockDelta is the time-lock expressed in blocks that will be
// added to outgoing HTLC's from incoming HTLC's. This value is the
// difference of the incoming and outgoing HTLC's time-locks routed
// through this hop.
TimeLockDelta uint16
// AdvertisingNode is the node that's advertising this edge.
AdvertisingNode *btcec.PublicKey
// ConnectingNode is the node that the advertising node connects to.
ConnectingNode *btcec.PublicKey
// appendTopologyChange appends the passed update message to the passed
// TopologyChange, properly identifying which type of update the message
// constitutes. This function will also fetch any required auxiliary
// information required to create the topology change update from the graph
// database.
func addToTopologyChange(graph *channeldb.ChannelGraph, update *TopologyChange,
msg interface{}) error {
switch m := msg.(type) {
// Any node announcement maps directly to a NetworkNodeUpdate struct.
// No further data munging or db queries are required.
case *channeldb.LightningNode:
pubKey, err := m.PubKey()
if err != nil {
return err
nodeUpdate := &NetworkNodeUpdate{
Addresses: m.Addresses,
IdentityKey: pubKey,
Alias: m.Alias,
nodeUpdate.IdentityKey.Curve = nil
update.NodeUpdates = append(update.NodeUpdates, nodeUpdate)
return nil
// We ignore initial channel announcements as we'll only send out
// updates once the individual edges themselves have been updated.
case *channeldb.ChannelEdgeInfo:
return nil
// Any new ChannelUpdateAnnouncements will generate a corresponding
// ChannelEdgeUpdate notification.
case *channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy:
// We'll need to fetch the edge's information from the database
// in order to get the information concerning which nodes are
// being connected.
edgeInfo, _, _, err := graph.FetchChannelEdgesByID(m.ChannelID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("unable fetch channel edge: %v",
// If the flag is one, then the advertising node is actually
// the second node.
sourceNode := edgeInfo.NodeKey1
connectingNode := edgeInfo.NodeKey2
if m.Flags&lnwire.ChanUpdateDirection == 1 {
sourceNode = edgeInfo.NodeKey2
connectingNode = edgeInfo.NodeKey1
aNode, err := sourceNode()
if err != nil {
return err
cNode, err := connectingNode()
if err != nil {
return err
edgeUpdate := &ChannelEdgeUpdate{
ChanID: m.ChannelID,
ChanPoint: edgeInfo.ChannelPoint,
TimeLockDelta: m.TimeLockDelta,
Capacity: edgeInfo.Capacity,
BaseFee: m.FeeBaseMSat,
FeeRate: m.FeeProportionalMillionths,
AdvertisingNode: aNode,
ConnectingNode: cNode,
edgeUpdate.AdvertisingNode.Curve = nil
edgeUpdate.ConnectingNode.Curve = nil
// TODO(roasbeef): add bit to toggle
update.ChannelEdgeUpdates = append(update.ChannelEdgeUpdates,
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to add to topology change, "+
"unknown message type %T", msg)