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package localchans
import (
// Manager manages the node's local channels. The only operation that is
// currently implemented is updating forwarding policies.
type Manager struct {
// UpdateForwardingPolicies is used by the manager to update active
// links with a new policy.
UpdateForwardingPolicies func(
chanPolicies map[wire.OutPoint]htlcswitch.ForwardingPolicy)
// PropagateChanPolicyUpdate is called to persist a new policy to disk
// and broadcast it to the network.
PropagateChanPolicyUpdate func(
edgesToUpdate []discovery.EdgeWithInfo) error
// ForAllOutgoingChannels is required to iterate over all our local
// channels.
ForAllOutgoingChannels func(cb func(*channeldb.ChannelEdgeInfo,
*channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy) error) error
// policyUpdateLock ensures that the database and the link do not fall
// out of sync if there are concurrent fee update calls. Without it,
// there is a chance that policy A updates the database, then policy B
// updates the database, then policy B updates the link, then policy A
// updates the link.
policyUpdateLock sync.Mutex
// UpdatePolicy updates the policy for the specified channels on disk and in the
// active links.
func (r *Manager) UpdatePolicy(newSchema routing.ChannelPolicy,
chanPoints ...wire.OutPoint) error {
defer r.policyUpdateLock.Unlock()
// First, we'll construct a set of all the channels that need to be
// updated.
chansToUpdate := make(map[wire.OutPoint]struct{})
for _, chanPoint := range chanPoints {
chansToUpdate[chanPoint] = struct{}{}
haveChanFilter := len(chansToUpdate) != 0
var edgesToUpdate []discovery.EdgeWithInfo
policiesToUpdate := make(map[wire.OutPoint]htlcswitch.ForwardingPolicy)
// Next, we'll loop over all the outgoing channels the router knows of.
// If we have a filter then we'll only collected those channels,
// otherwise we'll collect them all.
err := r.ForAllOutgoingChannels(func(
info *channeldb.ChannelEdgeInfo,
edge *channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy) error {
// If we have a channel filter, and this channel isn't a part
// of it, then we'll skip it.
_, ok := chansToUpdate[info.ChannelPoint]
if !ok && haveChanFilter {
return nil
// Apply the new policy to the edge.
err := r.updateEdge(info.Capacity, edge, newSchema)
if err != nil {
return nil
// Add updated edge to list of edges to send to gossiper.
edgesToUpdate = append(edgesToUpdate, discovery.EdgeWithInfo{
Info: info,
Edge: edge,
// Add updated policy to list of policies to send to switch.
policiesToUpdate[info.ChannelPoint] = htlcswitch.ForwardingPolicy{
BaseFee: edge.FeeBaseMSat,
FeeRate: edge.FeeProportionalMillionths,
TimeLockDelta: uint32(edge.TimeLockDelta),
MinHTLC: edge.MinHTLC,
MaxHTLC: edge.MaxHTLC,
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// Commit the policy updates to disk and broadcast to the network. We
// validated the new policy above, so we expect no validation errors. If
// this would happen because of a bug, the link policy will be
// desynchronized. It is currently not possible to atomically commit
// multiple edge updates.
err = r.PropagateChanPolicyUpdate(edgesToUpdate)
if err != nil {
return err
// Update active links.
return nil
// updateEdge updates the given edge with the new schema.
func (r *Manager) updateEdge(capacity btcutil.Amount,
edge *channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy,
newSchema routing.ChannelPolicy) error {
// Update forwarding fee scheme and required time lock delta.
edge.FeeBaseMSat = newSchema.BaseFee
edge.FeeProportionalMillionths = lnwire.MilliSatoshi(
edge.TimeLockDelta = uint16(newSchema.TimeLockDelta)
// Max htlc is currently always set to the channel capacity.
edge.MessageFlags |= lnwire.ChanUpdateOptionMaxHtlc
edge.MaxHTLC = lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(capacity)
// Validate htlc amount constraints.
if edge.MinHTLC > edge.MaxHTLC {
return fmt.Errorf("min_htlc %v greater than max_htlc %v",
edge.MinHTLC, edge.MaxHTLC)
// Clear signature to help prevent usage of the previous signature.
return nil