
166 lines
4.7 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Raw Normal View History

syntax = "proto3";
package wtclientrpc;
option go_package = "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/lnrpc/wtclientrpc";
message AddTowerRequest {
// The identifying public key of the watchtower to add.
bytes pubkey = 1;
// A network address the watchtower is reachable over.
string address = 2;
message AddTowerResponse {
message RemoveTowerRequest {
// The identifying public key of the watchtower to remove.
bytes pubkey = 1;
If set, then the record for this address will be removed, indicating that is
is stale. Otherwise, the watchtower will no longer be used for future
session negotiations and backups.
string address = 2;
message RemoveTowerResponse {
message GetTowerInfoRequest {
// The identifying public key of the watchtower to retrieve information for.
bytes pubkey = 1;
// Whether we should include sessions with the watchtower in the response.
bool include_sessions = 2;
message TowerSession {
The total number of successful backups that have been made to the
watchtower session.
uint32 num_backups = 1;
The total number of backups in the session that are currently pending to be
acknowledged by the watchtower.
uint32 num_pending_backups = 2;
// The maximum number of backups allowed by the watchtower session.
uint32 max_backups = 3;
The fee rate, in satoshis per vbyte, that will be used by the watchtower for
the justice transaction in the event of a channel breach.
uint32 sweep_sat_per_byte = 4;
message Tower {
// The identifying public key of the watchtower.
bytes pubkey = 1;
// The list of addresses the watchtower is reachable over.
repeated string addresses = 2;
// Whether the watchtower is currently a candidate for new sessions.
bool active_session_candidate = 3;
// The number of sessions that have been negotiated with the watchtower.
uint32 num_sessions = 4;
// The list of sessions that have been negotiated with the watchtower.
repeated TowerSession sessions = 5;
message ListTowersRequest {
// Whether we should include sessions with the watchtower in the response.
bool include_sessions = 1;
message ListTowersResponse {
// The list of watchtowers available for new backups.
repeated Tower towers = 1;
message StatsRequest {
message StatsResponse {
The total number of backups made to all active and exhausted watchtower
uint32 num_backups = 1;
The total number of backups that are pending to be acknowledged by all
active and exhausted watchtower sessions.
uint32 num_pending_backups = 2;
The total number of backups that all active and exhausted watchtower
sessions have failed to acknowledge.
uint32 num_failed_backups = 3;
// The total number of new sessions made to watchtowers.
uint32 num_sessions_acquired = 4;
// The total number of watchtower sessions that have been exhausted.
uint32 num_sessions_exhausted = 5;
message PolicyRequest {
message PolicyResponse {
The maximum number of updates each session we negotiate with watchtowers
should allow.
uint32 max_updates = 1;
The fee rate, in satoshis per vbyte, that will be used by watchtowers for
justice transactions in response to channel breaches.
uint32 sweep_sat_per_byte = 2;
service WatchtowerClient {
AddTower adds a new watchtower reachable at the given address and
considers it for new sessions. If the watchtower already exists, then
any new addresses included will be considered when dialing it for
session negotiations and backups.
rpc AddTower (AddTowerRequest) returns (AddTowerResponse);
RemoveTower removes a watchtower from being considered for future session
negotiations and from being used for any subsequent backups until it's added
again. If an address is provided, then this RPC only serves as a way of
removing the address from the watchtower instead.
rpc RemoveTower (RemoveTowerRequest) returns (RemoveTowerResponse);
// ListTowers returns the list of watchtowers registered with the client.
rpc ListTowers (ListTowersRequest) returns (ListTowersResponse);
// GetTowerInfo retrieves information for a registered watchtower.
rpc GetTowerInfo (GetTowerInfoRequest) returns (Tower);
// Stats returns the in-memory statistics of the client since startup.
rpc Stats (StatsRequest) returns (StatsResponse);
// Policy returns the active watchtower client policy configuration.
rpc Policy (PolicyRequest) returns (PolicyResponse);