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package htlcswitch
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
2018-07-31 10:17:17 +03:00
sphinx "github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-onion"
var (
alicePrivKey = []byte("alice priv key")
bobPrivKey = []byte("bob priv key")
carolPrivKey = []byte("carol priv key")
2019-09-10 13:27:39 +03:00
testSig = &btcec.Signature{
R: new(big.Int),
S: new(big.Int),
wireSig, _ = lnwire.NewSigFromSignature(testSig)
_, _ = testSig.R.SetString("6372440660162918006277497454296753625158993"+
"5445068131219452686511677818569431", 10)
_, _ = testSig.S.SetString("1880105606924982582529128710493133386286603"+
"3135609736119018462340006816851118", 10)
2018-03-11 04:27:51 +03:00
testBatchTimeout = 50 * time.Millisecond
var idSeqNum uint64
2019-10-09 17:11:06 +03:00
// genID generates a unique tuple to identify a test channel.
func genID() (lnwire.ChannelID, lnwire.ShortChannelID) {
id := atomic.AddUint64(&idSeqNum, 1)
var scratch [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(scratch[:], id)
hash1, _ := chainhash.NewHash(bytes.Repeat(scratch[:], 4))
chanPoint1 := wire.NewOutPoint(hash1, uint32(id))
chanID1 := lnwire.NewChanIDFromOutPoint(chanPoint1)
aliceChanID := lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(id)
2019-10-09 17:11:06 +03:00
return chanID1, aliceChanID
// genIDs generates ids for two test channels.
func genIDs() (lnwire.ChannelID, lnwire.ChannelID, lnwire.ShortChannelID,
lnwire.ShortChannelID) {
chanID1, aliceChanID := genID()
chanID2, bobChanID := genID()
return chanID1, chanID2, aliceChanID, bobChanID
// mockGetChanUpdateMessage helper function which returns topology update of
// the channel
func mockGetChanUpdateMessage(cid lnwire.ShortChannelID) (*lnwire.ChannelUpdate, error) {
return &lnwire.ChannelUpdate{
Signature: wireSig,
}, nil
// generateRandomBytes returns securely generated random bytes.
// It will return an error if the system's secure random
// number generator fails to function correctly, in which
// case the caller should not continue.
func generateRandomBytes(n int) ([]byte, error) {
b := make([]byte, n)
// TODO(roasbeef): should use counter in tests (atomic) rather than
// this
_, err := crand.Read(b)
// Note that Err == nil only if we read len(b) bytes.
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
type testLightningChannel struct {
channel *lnwallet.LightningChannel
restore func() (*lnwallet.LightningChannel, error)
// createTestChannel creates the channel and returns our and remote channels
// representations.
// TODO(roasbeef): need to factor out, similar func re-used in many parts of codebase
func createTestChannel(alicePrivKey, bobPrivKey []byte,
aliceAmount, bobAmount, aliceReserve, bobReserve btcutil.Amount,
chanID lnwire.ShortChannelID) (*testLightningChannel,
*testLightningChannel, func(), error) {
aliceKeyPriv, aliceKeyPub := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(btcec.S256(), alicePrivKey)
bobKeyPriv, bobKeyPub := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(btcec.S256(), bobPrivKey)
channelCapacity := aliceAmount + bobAmount
csvTimeoutAlice := uint32(5)
csvTimeoutBob := uint32(4)
aliceConstraints := &channeldb.ChannelConstraints{
DustLimit: btcutil.Amount(200),
MaxPendingAmount: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(
ChanReserve: aliceReserve,
MinHTLC: 0,
MaxAcceptedHtlcs: input.MaxHTLCNumber / 2,
CsvDelay: uint16(csvTimeoutAlice),
bobConstraints := &channeldb.ChannelConstraints{
DustLimit: btcutil.Amount(800),
MaxPendingAmount: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(
ChanReserve: bobReserve,
MinHTLC: 0,
MaxAcceptedHtlcs: input.MaxHTLCNumber / 2,
CsvDelay: uint16(csvTimeoutBob),
var hash [sha256.Size]byte
randomSeed, err := generateRandomBytes(sha256.Size)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
copy(hash[:], randomSeed)
prevOut := &wire.OutPoint{
Hash: chainhash.Hash(hash),
Index: 0,
fundingTxIn := wire.NewTxIn(prevOut, nil, nil)
aliceCfg := channeldb.ChannelConfig{
ChannelConstraints: *aliceConstraints,
MultiSigKey: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: aliceKeyPub,
RevocationBasePoint: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: aliceKeyPub,
PaymentBasePoint: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: aliceKeyPub,
DelayBasePoint: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: aliceKeyPub,
HtlcBasePoint: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: aliceKeyPub,
bobCfg := channeldb.ChannelConfig{
ChannelConstraints: *bobConstraints,
MultiSigKey: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: bobKeyPub,
RevocationBasePoint: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: bobKeyPub,
PaymentBasePoint: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: bobKeyPub,
DelayBasePoint: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: bobKeyPub,
HtlcBasePoint: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: bobKeyPub,
bobRoot, err := chainhash.NewHash(bobKeyPriv.Serialize())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
bobPreimageProducer := shachain.NewRevocationProducer(*bobRoot)
bobFirstRevoke, err := bobPreimageProducer.AtIndex(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
bobCommitPoint := input.ComputeCommitmentPoint(bobFirstRevoke[:])
aliceRoot, err := chainhash.NewHash(aliceKeyPriv.Serialize())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
alicePreimageProducer := shachain.NewRevocationProducer(*aliceRoot)
aliceFirstRevoke, err := alicePreimageProducer.AtIndex(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
aliceCommitPoint := input.ComputeCommitmentPoint(aliceFirstRevoke[:])
aliceCommitTx, bobCommitTx, err := lnwallet.CreateCommitmentTxns(
aliceAmount, bobAmount, &aliceCfg, &bobCfg, aliceCommitPoint,
bobCommitPoint, *fundingTxIn, channeldb.SingleFunderTweaklessBit,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
alicePath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "alicedb")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
dbAlice, err := channeldb.Open(alicePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
bobPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "bobdb")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
dbBob, err := channeldb.Open(bobPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
estimator := chainfee.NewStaticEstimator(6000, 0)
feePerKw, err := estimator.EstimateFeePerKW(1)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
commitFee := feePerKw.FeeForWeight(724)
const broadcastHeight = 1
bobAddr := &net.TCPAddr{
IP: net.ParseIP(""),
Port: 18555,
aliceAddr := &net.TCPAddr{
IP: net.ParseIP(""),
Port: 18556,
aliceCommit := channeldb.ChannelCommitment{
CommitHeight: 0,
LocalBalance: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(aliceAmount - commitFee),
RemoteBalance: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(bobAmount),
CommitFee: commitFee,
FeePerKw: btcutil.Amount(feePerKw),
CommitTx: aliceCommitTx,
CommitSig: bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, 71),
bobCommit := channeldb.ChannelCommitment{
CommitHeight: 0,
LocalBalance: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(bobAmount),
RemoteBalance: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(aliceAmount - commitFee),
CommitFee: commitFee,
FeePerKw: btcutil.Amount(feePerKw),
CommitTx: bobCommitTx,
CommitSig: bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, 71),
aliceChannelState := &channeldb.OpenChannel{
LocalChanCfg: aliceCfg,
RemoteChanCfg: bobCfg,
IdentityPub: aliceKeyPub,
FundingOutpoint: *prevOut,
ChanType: channeldb.SingleFunderTweaklessBit,
IsInitiator: true,
Capacity: channelCapacity,
RemoteCurrentRevocation: bobCommitPoint,
RevocationProducer: alicePreimageProducer,
RevocationStore: shachain.NewRevocationStore(),
LocalCommitment: aliceCommit,
RemoteCommitment: aliceCommit,
ShortChannelID: chanID,
Db: dbAlice,
Packager: channeldb.NewChannelPackager(chanID),
FundingTxn: channels.TestFundingTx,
bobChannelState := &channeldb.OpenChannel{
LocalChanCfg: bobCfg,
RemoteChanCfg: aliceCfg,
IdentityPub: bobKeyPub,
FundingOutpoint: *prevOut,
ChanType: channeldb.SingleFunderTweaklessBit,
IsInitiator: false,
Capacity: channelCapacity,
RemoteCurrentRevocation: aliceCommitPoint,
RevocationProducer: bobPreimageProducer,
RevocationStore: shachain.NewRevocationStore(),
LocalCommitment: bobCommit,
RemoteCommitment: bobCommit,
ShortChannelID: chanID,
Db: dbBob,
Packager: channeldb.NewChannelPackager(chanID),
if err := aliceChannelState.SyncPending(bobAddr, broadcastHeight); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
if err := bobChannelState.SyncPending(aliceAddr, broadcastHeight); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
cleanUpFunc := func() {
aliceSigner := &mock.SingleSigner{Privkey: aliceKeyPriv}
bobSigner := &mock.SingleSigner{Privkey: bobKeyPriv}
alicePool := lnwallet.NewSigPool(runtime.NumCPU(), aliceSigner)
channelAlice, err := lnwallet.NewLightningChannel(
aliceSigner, aliceChannelState, alicePool,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
bobPool := lnwallet.NewSigPool(runtime.NumCPU(), bobSigner)
channelBob, err := lnwallet.NewLightningChannel(
bobSigner, bobChannelState, bobPool,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
// Now that the channel are open, simulate the start of a session by
// having Alice and Bob extend their revocation windows to each other.
2017-07-31 04:22:38 +03:00
aliceNextRevoke, err := channelAlice.NextRevocationKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
if err := channelBob.InitNextRevocation(aliceNextRevoke); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
2017-07-31 04:22:38 +03:00
bobNextRevoke, err := channelBob.NextRevocationKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
if err := channelAlice.InitNextRevocation(bobNextRevoke); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
restoreAlice := func() (*lnwallet.LightningChannel, error) {
aliceStoredChannels, err := dbAlice.FetchOpenChannels(aliceKeyPub)
switch err {
case nil:
case kvdb.ErrDatabaseNotOpen:
dbAlice, err = channeldb.Open(dbAlice.Path())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to reopen alice "+
"db: %v", err)
aliceStoredChannels, err = dbAlice.FetchOpenChannels(aliceKeyPub)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to fetch alice "+
"channel: %v", err)
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to fetch alice channel: "+
"%v", err)
var aliceStoredChannel *channeldb.OpenChannel
for _, channel := range aliceStoredChannels {
if channel.FundingOutpoint.String() == prevOut.String() {
aliceStoredChannel = channel
if aliceStoredChannel == nil {
return nil, errors.New("unable to find stored alice channel")
newAliceChannel, err := lnwallet.NewLightningChannel(
aliceSigner, aliceStoredChannel, alicePool,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to create new channel: %v",
return newAliceChannel, nil
restoreBob := func() (*lnwallet.LightningChannel, error) {
bobStoredChannels, err := dbBob.FetchOpenChannels(bobKeyPub)
switch err {
case nil:
case kvdb.ErrDatabaseNotOpen:
dbBob, err = channeldb.Open(dbBob.Path())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to reopen bob "+
"db: %v", err)
bobStoredChannels, err = dbBob.FetchOpenChannels(bobKeyPub)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to fetch bob "+
"channel: %v", err)
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to fetch bob channel: "+
"%v", err)
var bobStoredChannel *channeldb.OpenChannel
for _, channel := range bobStoredChannels {
if channel.FundingOutpoint.String() == prevOut.String() {
bobStoredChannel = channel
if bobStoredChannel == nil {
return nil, errors.New("unable to find stored bob channel")
newBobChannel, err := lnwallet.NewLightningChannel(
bobSigner, bobStoredChannel, bobPool,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to create new channel: %v",
return newBobChannel, nil
testLightningChannelAlice := &testLightningChannel{
channel: channelAlice,
restore: restoreAlice,
testLightningChannelBob := &testLightningChannel{
channel: channelBob,
restore: restoreBob,
return testLightningChannelAlice, testLightningChannelBob, cleanUpFunc,
// getChanID retrieves the channel point from an lnnwire message.
func getChanID(msg lnwire.Message) (lnwire.ChannelID, error) {
var chanID lnwire.ChannelID
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC:
chanID = msg.ChanID
case *lnwire.UpdateFulfillHTLC:
chanID = msg.ChanID
case *lnwire.UpdateFailHTLC:
chanID = msg.ChanID
case *lnwire.RevokeAndAck:
chanID = msg.ChanID
case *lnwire.CommitSig:
chanID = msg.ChanID
case *lnwire.ChannelReestablish:
chanID = msg.ChanID
case *lnwire.FundingLocked:
chanID = msg.ChanID
case *lnwire.UpdateFee:
chanID = msg.ChanID
return chanID, fmt.Errorf("unknown type: %T", msg)
return chanID, nil
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
// generateHoldPayment generates the htlc add request by given path blob and
// invoice which should be added by destination peer.
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
func generatePaymentWithPreimage(invoiceAmt, htlcAmt lnwire.MilliSatoshi,
timelock uint32, blob [lnwire.OnionPacketSize]byte,
preimage *lntypes.Preimage, rhash, payAddr [32]byte) (
*channeldb.Invoice, *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC, uint64, error) {
// Create the db invoice. Normally the payment requests needs to be set,
// because it is decoded in InvoiceRegistry to obtain the cltv expiry.
// But because the mock registry used in tests is mocking the decode
// step and always returning the value of testInvoiceCltvExpiry, we
// don't need to bother here with creating and signing a payment
// request.
invoice := &channeldb.Invoice{
CreationDate: time.Now(),
Terms: channeldb.ContractTerm{
FinalCltvDelta: testInvoiceCltvExpiry,
Value: invoiceAmt,
PaymentPreimage: preimage,
PaymentAddr: payAddr,
Features: lnwire.NewFeatureVector(
nil, lnwire.Features,
HodlInvoice: preimage == nil,
htlc := &lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC{
PaymentHash: rhash,
Amount: htlcAmt,
Expiry: timelock,
OnionBlob: blob,
pid, err := generateRandomBytes(8)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, 0, err
paymentID := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(pid)
return invoice, htlc, paymentID, nil
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
// generatePayment generates the htlc add request by given path blob and
// invoice which should be added by destination peer.
func generatePayment(invoiceAmt, htlcAmt lnwire.MilliSatoshi, timelock uint32,
blob [lnwire.OnionPacketSize]byte) (*channeldb.Invoice,
*lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC, uint64, error) {
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
var preimage lntypes.Preimage
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
r, err := generateRandomBytes(sha256.Size)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, 0, err
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
copy(preimage[:], r)
rhash := sha256.Sum256(preimage[:])
var payAddr [sha256.Size]byte
r, err = generateRandomBytes(sha256.Size)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, 0, err
copy(payAddr[:], r)
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
return generatePaymentWithPreimage(
invoiceAmt, htlcAmt, timelock, blob, &preimage, rhash, payAddr,
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
// generateRoute generates the path blob by given array of peers.
func generateRoute(hops ...*hop.Payload) (
[lnwire.OnionPacketSize]byte, error) {
var blob [lnwire.OnionPacketSize]byte
if len(hops) == 0 {
return blob, errors.New("empty path")
iterator := newMockHopIterator(hops...)
w := bytes.NewBuffer(blob[0:0])
if err := iterator.EncodeNextHop(w); err != nil {
return blob, err
return blob, nil
// threeHopNetwork is used for managing the created cluster of 3 hops.
type threeHopNetwork struct {
aliceServer *mockServer
aliceChannelLink *channelLink
aliceOnionDecoder *mockIteratorDecoder
bobServer *mockServer
firstBobChannelLink *channelLink
secondBobChannelLink *channelLink
bobOnionDecoder *mockIteratorDecoder
carolServer *mockServer
carolChannelLink *channelLink
carolOnionDecoder *mockIteratorDecoder
// generateHops creates the per hop payload, the total amount to be sent, and
2018-04-18 05:02:04 +03:00
// also the time lock value needed to route an HTLC with the target amount over
// the specified path.
func generateHops(payAmt lnwire.MilliSatoshi, startingHeight uint32,
path ...*channelLink) (lnwire.MilliSatoshi, uint32, []*hop.Payload) {
totalTimelock := startingHeight
runningAmt := payAmt
hops := make([]*hop.Payload, len(path))
for i := len(path) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
// If this is the last hop, then the next hop is the special
// "exit node". Otherwise, we look to the "prior" hop.
nextHop := hop.Exit
if i != len(path)-1 {
nextHop = path[i+1].channel.ShortChanID()
var timeLock uint32
// If this is the last, hop, then the time lock will be their
// specified delta policy plus our starting height.
if i == len(path)-1 {
totalTimelock += testInvoiceCltvExpiry
timeLock = totalTimelock
} else {
// Otherwise, the outgoing time lock should be the
// incoming timelock minus their specified delta.
delta := path[i+1].cfg.FwrdingPolicy.TimeLockDelta
totalTimelock += delta
timeLock = totalTimelock - delta
// Finally, we'll need to calculate the amount to forward. For
// the last hop, it's just the payment amount.
amount := payAmt
if i != len(path)-1 {
prevHop := hops[i+1]
prevAmount := prevHop.ForwardingInfo().AmountToForward
fee := ExpectedFee(path[i].cfg.FwrdingPolicy, prevAmount)
runningAmt += fee
// Otherwise, for a node to forward an HTLC, then
// following inequality most hold true:
// * amt_in - fee >= amt_to_forward
amount = runningAmt - fee
var nextHopBytes [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(nextHopBytes[:], nextHop.ToUint64())
hops[i] = hop.NewLegacyPayload(&sphinx.HopData{
Realm: [1]byte{}, // hop.BitcoinNetwork
NextAddress: nextHopBytes,
ForwardAmount: uint64(amount),
OutgoingCltv: timeLock,
return runningAmt, totalTimelock, hops
type paymentResponse struct {
rhash lntypes.Hash
err chan error
func (r *paymentResponse) Wait(d time.Duration) (lntypes.Hash, error) {
return r.rhash, waitForPaymentResult(r.err, d)
// waitForPaymentResult waits for either an error to be received on c or a
// timeout.
func waitForPaymentResult(c chan error, d time.Duration) error {
select {
case err := <-c:
return err
case <-time.After(d):
return errors.New("htlc was not settled in time")
2019-01-29 16:54:08 +03:00
// waitForPayFuncResult executes the given function and waits for a result with
// a timeout.
func waitForPayFuncResult(payFunc func() error, d time.Duration) error {
errChan := make(chan error)
go func() {
errChan <- payFunc()
return waitForPaymentResult(errChan, d)
// makePayment takes the destination node and amount as input, sends the
// payment and returns the error channel to wait for error to be received and
// invoice in order to check its status after the payment finished.
// With this function you can send payments:
// * from Alice to Bob
// * from Alice to Carol through the Bob
// * from Alice to some another peer through the Bob
func makePayment(sendingPeer, receivingPeer lnpeer.Peer,
firstHop lnwire.ShortChannelID, hops []*hop.Payload,
invoiceAmt, htlcAmt lnwire.MilliSatoshi,
timelock uint32) *paymentResponse {
paymentErr := make(chan error, 1)
var rhash lntypes.Hash
invoice, payFunc, err := preparePayment(sendingPeer, receivingPeer,
firstHop, hops, invoiceAmt, htlcAmt, timelock,
if err != nil {
paymentErr <- err
return &paymentResponse{
rhash: rhash,
err: paymentErr,
rhash = invoice.Terms.PaymentPreimage.Hash()
// Send payment and expose err channel.
go func() {
paymentErr <- payFunc()
return &paymentResponse{
rhash: rhash,
err: paymentErr,
// preparePayment creates an invoice at the receivingPeer and returns a function
// that, when called, launches the payment from the sendingPeer.
func preparePayment(sendingPeer, receivingPeer lnpeer.Peer,
firstHop lnwire.ShortChannelID, hops []*hop.Payload,
invoiceAmt, htlcAmt lnwire.MilliSatoshi,
timelock uint32) (*channeldb.Invoice, func() error, error) {
sender := sendingPeer.(*mockServer)
receiver := receivingPeer.(*mockServer)
// Generate route convert it to blob, and return next destination for
// htlc add request.
blob, err := generateRoute(hops...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Generate payment: invoice and htlc.
invoice, htlc, pid, err := generatePayment(
invoiceAmt, htlcAmt, timelock, blob,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Check who is last in the route and add invoice to server registry.
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
hash := invoice.Terms.PaymentPreimage.Hash()
if err := receiver.registry.AddInvoice(*invoice, hash); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Send payment and expose err channel.
return invoice, func() error {
err := sender.htlcSwitch.SendHTLC(
firstHop, pid, htlc,
if err != nil {
return err
resultChan, err := sender.htlcSwitch.GetPaymentResult(
pid, hash, newMockDeobfuscator(),
if err != nil {
return err
result, ok := <-resultChan
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("shutting down")
if result.Error != nil {
return result.Error
return nil
}, nil
// start starts the three hop network alice,bob,carol servers.
func (n *threeHopNetwork) start() error {
if err := n.aliceServer.Start(); err != nil {
return err
if err := n.bobServer.Start(); err != nil {
return err
if err := n.carolServer.Start(); err != nil {
return err
return waitLinksEligible(map[string]*channelLink{
"alice": n.aliceChannelLink,
"bob first": n.firstBobChannelLink,
"bob second": n.secondBobChannelLink,
"carol": n.carolChannelLink,
// stop stops nodes and cleanup its databases.
func (n *threeHopNetwork) stop() {
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
done <- struct{}{}
go func() {
done <- struct{}{}
go func() {
done <- struct{}{}
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
type clusterChannels struct {
aliceToBob *lnwallet.LightningChannel
bobToAlice *lnwallet.LightningChannel
bobToCarol *lnwallet.LightningChannel
carolToBob *lnwallet.LightningChannel
// createClusterChannels creates lightning channels which are needed for
// network cluster to be initialized.
func createClusterChannels(aliceToBob, bobToCarol btcutil.Amount) (
*clusterChannels, func(), func() (*clusterChannels, error), error) {
_, _, firstChanID, secondChanID := genIDs()
// Create lightning channels between Alice<->Bob and Bob<->Carol
aliceChannel, firstBobChannel, cleanAliceBob, err :=
createTestChannel(alicePrivKey, bobPrivKey, aliceToBob,
aliceToBob, 0, 0, firstChanID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, errors.Errorf("unable to create "+
"alice<->bob channel: %v", err)
secondBobChannel, carolChannel, cleanBobCarol, err :=
createTestChannel(bobPrivKey, carolPrivKey, bobToCarol,
bobToCarol, 0, 0, secondChanID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, errors.Errorf("unable to create "+
"bob<->carol channel: %v", err)
cleanUp := func() {
restoreFromDb := func() (*clusterChannels, error) {
a2b, err := aliceChannel.restore()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b2a, err := firstBobChannel.restore()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b2c, err := secondBobChannel.restore()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c2b, err := carolChannel.restore()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &clusterChannels{
aliceToBob: a2b,
bobToAlice: b2a,
bobToCarol: b2c,
carolToBob: c2b,
}, nil
return &clusterChannels{
aliceToBob: aliceChannel.channel,
bobToAlice: firstBobChannel.channel,
bobToCarol: secondBobChannel.channel,
carolToBob: carolChannel.channel,
}, cleanUp, restoreFromDb, nil
// newThreeHopNetwork function creates the following topology and returns the
// control object to manage this cluster:
// alice bob carol
// server - <-connection-> - server - - <-connection-> - - - server
// | | |
// alice htlc bob htlc carol htlc
// switch switch \ switch
// | | \ |
// | | \ |
// alice first bob second bob carol
// channel link channel link channel link channel link
2020-02-19 18:34:48 +03:00
// This function takes server options which can be used to apply custom
// settings to alice, bob and carol.
func newThreeHopNetwork(t testing.TB, aliceChannel, firstBobChannel,
secondBobChannel, carolChannel *lnwallet.LightningChannel,
2020-02-19 18:34:48 +03:00
startingHeight uint32, opts ...serverOption) *threeHopNetwork {
aliceDb := aliceChannel.State().Db
bobDb := firstBobChannel.State().Db
carolDb := carolChannel.State().Db
hopNetwork := newHopNetwork()
// Create three peers/servers.
aliceServer, err := newMockServer(
t, "alice", startingHeight, aliceDb, hopNetwork.defaultDelta,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create alice server: %v", err)
bobServer, err := newMockServer(
t, "bob", startingHeight, bobDb, hopNetwork.defaultDelta,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create bob server: %v", err)
carolServer, err := newMockServer(
t, "carol", startingHeight, carolDb, hopNetwork.defaultDelta,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create carol server: %v", err)
2020-02-19 18:34:48 +03:00
// Apply all additional functional options to the servers before
// creating any links.
for _, option := range opts {
option(aliceServer, bobServer, carolServer)
// Create mock decoder instead of sphinx one in order to mock the route
// which htlc should follow.
aliceDecoder := newMockIteratorDecoder()
bobDecoder := newMockIteratorDecoder()
carolDecoder := newMockIteratorDecoder()
aliceChannelLink, err := hopNetwork.createChannelLink(aliceServer,
bobServer, aliceChannel, aliceDecoder,
if err != nil {
firstBobChannelLink, err := hopNetwork.createChannelLink(bobServer,
aliceServer, firstBobChannel, bobDecoder)
if err != nil {
secondBobChannelLink, err := hopNetwork.createChannelLink(bobServer,
carolServer, secondBobChannel, bobDecoder)
if err != nil {
carolChannelLink, err := hopNetwork.createChannelLink(carolServer,
bobServer, carolChannel, carolDecoder)
if err != nil {
return &threeHopNetwork{
aliceServer: aliceServer,
aliceChannelLink: aliceChannelLink.(*channelLink),
aliceOnionDecoder: aliceDecoder,
bobServer: bobServer,
firstBobChannelLink: firstBobChannelLink.(*channelLink),
secondBobChannelLink: secondBobChannelLink.(*channelLink),
bobOnionDecoder: bobDecoder,
carolServer: carolServer,
carolChannelLink: carolChannelLink.(*channelLink),
carolOnionDecoder: carolDecoder,
hopNetwork: *hopNetwork,
2020-02-19 18:34:48 +03:00
// serverOption is a function which alters the three servers created for
// a three hop network to allow custom settings on each server.
type serverOption func(aliceServer, bobServer, carolServer *mockServer)
// serverOptionWithHtlcNotifier is a functional option for the creation of
// three hop network servers which allows setting of htlc notifiers.
// Note that these notifiers should be started and stopped by the calling
// function.
func serverOptionWithHtlcNotifier(alice, bob,
carol *HtlcNotifier) serverOption {
return func(aliceServer, bobServer, carolServer *mockServer) {
aliceServer.htlcSwitch.cfg.HtlcNotifier = alice
bobServer.htlcSwitch.cfg.HtlcNotifier = bob
carolServer.htlcSwitch.cfg.HtlcNotifier = carol
// serverOptionRejectHtlc is the functional option for setting the reject
// htlc config option in each server's switch.
func serverOptionRejectHtlc(alice, bob, carol bool) serverOption {
return func(aliceServer, bobServer, carolServer *mockServer) {
aliceServer.htlcSwitch.cfg.RejectHTLC = alice
bobServer.htlcSwitch.cfg.RejectHTLC = bob
carolServer.htlcSwitch.cfg.RejectHTLC = carol
// createTwoClusterChannels creates lightning channels which are needed for
// a 2 hop network cluster to be initialized.
func createTwoClusterChannels(aliceToBob, bobToCarol btcutil.Amount) (
*testLightningChannel, *testLightningChannel,
func(), error) {
_, _, firstChanID, _ := genIDs()
// Create lightning channels between Alice<->Bob and Bob<->Carol
alice, bob, cleanAliceBob, err :=
createTestChannel(alicePrivKey, bobPrivKey, aliceToBob,
aliceToBob, 0, 0, firstChanID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, errors.Errorf("unable to create "+
"alice<->bob channel: %v", err)
return alice, bob, cleanAliceBob, nil
// hopNetwork is the base struct for two and three hop networks
type hopNetwork struct {
feeEstimator *mockFeeEstimator
globalPolicy ForwardingPolicy
obfuscator hop.ErrorEncrypter
defaultDelta uint32
func newHopNetwork() *hopNetwork {
defaultDelta := uint32(6)
globalPolicy := ForwardingPolicy{
MinHTLCOut: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(5),
BaseFee: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(1),
TimeLockDelta: defaultDelta,
obfuscator := NewMockObfuscator()
feeEstimator := &mockFeeEstimator{
byteFeeIn: make(chan chainfee.SatPerKWeight),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
return &hopNetwork{
feeEstimator: feeEstimator,
globalPolicy: globalPolicy,
obfuscator: obfuscator,
defaultDelta: defaultDelta,
func (h *hopNetwork) createChannelLink(server, peer *mockServer,
channel *lnwallet.LightningChannel,
decoder *mockIteratorDecoder) (ChannelLink, error) {
const (
fwdPkgTimeout = 15 * time.Second
minFeeUpdateTimeout = 30 * time.Minute
maxFeeUpdateTimeout = 40 * time.Minute
link := NewChannelLink(
Switch: server.htlcSwitch,
FwrdingPolicy: h.globalPolicy,
Peer: peer,
Circuits: server.htlcSwitch.CircuitModifier(),
ForwardPackets: server.htlcSwitch.ForwardPackets,
DecodeHopIterators: decoder.DecodeHopIterators,
ExtractErrorEncrypter: func(*btcec.PublicKey) (
hop.ErrorEncrypter, lnwire.FailCode) {
return h.obfuscator, lnwire.CodeNone
FetchLastChannelUpdate: mockGetChanUpdateMessage,
Registry: server.registry,
FeeEstimator: h.feeEstimator,
PreimageCache: server.pCache,
UpdateContractSignals: func(*contractcourt.ContractSignals) error {
return nil
ChainEvents: &contractcourt.ChainEventSubscription{},
SyncStates: true,
BatchSize: 10,
BatchTicker: ticker.NewForce(testBatchTimeout),
FwdPkgGCTicker: ticker.NewForce(fwdPkgTimeout),
PendingCommitTicker: ticker.NewForce(2 * time.Minute),
MinFeeUpdateTimeout: minFeeUpdateTimeout,
MaxFeeUpdateTimeout: maxFeeUpdateTimeout,
OnChannelFailure: func(lnwire.ChannelID, lnwire.ShortChannelID, LinkFailureError) {},
OutgoingCltvRejectDelta: 3,
MaxOutgoingCltvExpiry: DefaultMaxOutgoingCltvExpiry,
MaxFeeAllocation: DefaultMaxLinkFeeAllocation,
MaxAnchorsCommitFeeRate: chainfee.SatPerKVByte(10 * 1000).FeePerKWeight(),
NotifyActiveLink: func(wire.OutPoint) {},
NotifyActiveChannel: func(wire.OutPoint) {},
NotifyInactiveChannel: func(wire.OutPoint) {},
HtlcNotifier: server.htlcSwitch.cfg.HtlcNotifier,
if err := server.htlcSwitch.AddLink(link); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to add channel link: %v", err)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-link.(*channelLink).htlcUpdates:
case <-link.(*channelLink).quit:
return link, nil
2019-01-29 16:46:59 +03:00
// twoHopNetwork is used for managing the created cluster of 2 hops.
type twoHopNetwork struct {
aliceServer *mockServer
aliceChannelLink *channelLink
bobServer *mockServer
bobChannelLink *channelLink
// newTwoHopNetwork function creates the following topology and returns the
// control object to manage this cluster:
// alice bob
// server - <-connection-> - server
// | |
// alice htlc bob htlc
// switch switch
// | |
// | |
// alice bob
// channel link channel link
func newTwoHopNetwork(t testing.TB,
aliceChannel, bobChannel *lnwallet.LightningChannel,
startingHeight uint32) *twoHopNetwork {
aliceDb := aliceChannel.State().Db
bobDb := bobChannel.State().Db
hopNetwork := newHopNetwork()
// Create two peers/servers.
aliceServer, err := newMockServer(
t, "alice", startingHeight, aliceDb, hopNetwork.defaultDelta,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create alice server: %v", err)
bobServer, err := newMockServer(
t, "bob", startingHeight, bobDb, hopNetwork.defaultDelta,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create bob server: %v", err)
// Create mock decoder instead of sphinx one in order to mock the route
// which htlc should follow.
aliceDecoder := newMockIteratorDecoder()
bobDecoder := newMockIteratorDecoder()
aliceChannelLink, err := hopNetwork.createChannelLink(
aliceServer, bobServer, aliceChannel, aliceDecoder,
if err != nil {
bobChannelLink, err := hopNetwork.createChannelLink(
bobServer, aliceServer, bobChannel, bobDecoder,
if err != nil {
return &twoHopNetwork{
aliceServer: aliceServer,
aliceChannelLink: aliceChannelLink.(*channelLink),
bobServer: bobServer,
bobChannelLink: bobChannelLink.(*channelLink),
hopNetwork: *hopNetwork,
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
// start starts the two hop network alice,bob servers.
2019-01-29 16:46:59 +03:00
func (n *twoHopNetwork) start() error {
if err := n.aliceServer.Start(); err != nil {
return err
if err := n.bobServer.Start(); err != nil {
return err
return waitLinksEligible(map[string]*channelLink{
"alice": n.aliceChannelLink,
"bob": n.bobChannelLink,
2019-01-29 16:46:59 +03:00
// stop stops nodes and cleanup its databases.
func (n *twoHopNetwork) stop() {
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
done <- struct{}{}
go func() {
done <- struct{}{}
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
func (n *twoHopNetwork) makeHoldPayment(sendingPeer, receivingPeer lnpeer.Peer,
firstHop lnwire.ShortChannelID, hops []*hop.Payload,
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
invoiceAmt, htlcAmt lnwire.MilliSatoshi,
timelock uint32, preimage lntypes.Preimage) chan error {
paymentErr := make(chan error, 1)
sender := sendingPeer.(*mockServer)
receiver := receivingPeer.(*mockServer)
// Generate route convert it to blob, and return next destination for
// htlc add request.
blob, err := generateRoute(hops...)
if err != nil {
paymentErr <- err
return paymentErr
rhash := preimage.Hash()
var payAddr [32]byte
if _, err := crand.Read(payAddr[:]); err != nil {
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
// Generate payment: invoice and htlc.
invoice, htlc, pid, err := generatePaymentWithPreimage(
invoiceAmt, htlcAmt, timelock, blob,
nil, rhash, payAddr,
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
if err != nil {
paymentErr <- err
return paymentErr
// Check who is last in the route and add invoice to server registry.
if err := receiver.registry.AddInvoice(*invoice, rhash); err != nil {
paymentErr <- err
return paymentErr
// Send payment and expose err channel.
err = sender.htlcSwitch.SendHTLC(firstHop, pid, htlc)
if err != nil {
paymentErr <- err
return paymentErr
go func() {
resultChan, err := sender.htlcSwitch.GetPaymentResult(
pid, rhash, newMockDeobfuscator(),
if err != nil {
paymentErr <- err
result, ok := <-resultChan
if !ok {
paymentErr <- fmt.Errorf("shutting down")
if result.Error != nil {
paymentErr <- result.Error
paymentErr <- nil
2019-02-10 23:03:23 +03:00
return paymentErr
// waitLinksEligible blocks until all links the provided name-to-link map are
// eligible to forward HTLCs.
func waitLinksEligible(links map[string]*channelLink) error {
return wait.NoError(func() error {
for name, link := range links {
if link.EligibleToForward() {
return fmt.Errorf("%s channel link not eligible", name)
return nil
}, 3*time.Second)
// timeout implements a test level timeout.
func timeout(t *testing.T) func() {
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-time.After(20 * time.Second):
pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1)
panic("test timeout")
case <-done:
return func() {