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package routerrpc
import (
2019-09-29 02:06:34 +03:00
math "math"
const (
// DefaultMaxParts is the default number of splits we'll possibly use
// for MPP when the user is attempting to send a payment.
// TODO(roasbeef): make this value dynamic based on expected number of
// attempts for given amount
DefaultMaxParts = 16
// RouterBackend contains the backend implementation of the router rpc sub
// server calls.
type RouterBackend struct {
2019-03-13 07:20:21 +03:00
// SelfNode is the vertex of the node sending the payment.
SelfNode route.Vertex
2019-03-13 07:20:21 +03:00
// FetchChannelCapacity is a closure that we'll use the fetch the total
// capacity of a channel to populate in responses.
FetchChannelCapacity func(chanID uint64) (btcutil.Amount, error)
// FetchChannelEndpoints returns the pubkeys of both endpoints of the
// given channel id.
FetchChannelEndpoints func(chanID uint64) (route.Vertex,
route.Vertex, error)
2019-03-13 07:20:21 +03:00
// FindRoutes is a closure that abstracts away how we locate/query for
// routes.
FindRoute func(source, target route.Vertex,
amt lnwire.MilliSatoshi, restrictions *routing.RestrictParams,
destCustomRecords record.CustomSet,
routeHints map[route.Vertex][]*channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy,
finalExpiry uint16) (*route.Route, error)
MissionControl MissionControl
// ActiveNetParams are the network parameters of the primary network
// that the route is operating on. This is necessary so we can ensure
// that we receive payment requests that send to destinations on our
// network.
ActiveNetParams *chaincfg.Params
// Tower is the ControlTower instance that is used to track pending
// payments.
Tower routing.ControlTower
// MaxTotalTimelock is the maximum total time lock a route is allowed to
// have.
MaxTotalTimelock uint32
// DefaultFinalCltvDelta is the default value used as final cltv delta
// when an RPC caller doesn't specify a value.
DefaultFinalCltvDelta uint16
// SubscribeHtlcEvents returns a subscription client for the node's
// htlc events.
SubscribeHtlcEvents func() (*subscribe.Client, error)
// InterceptableForwarder exposes the ability to intercept forward events
// by letting the router register a ForwardInterceptor.
InterceptableForwarder htlcswitch.InterceptableHtlcForwarder
// SetChannelEnabled exposes the ability to manually enable a channel.
SetChannelEnabled func(wire.OutPoint) error
// SetChannelDisabled exposes the ability to manually disable a channel
SetChannelDisabled func(wire.OutPoint) error
// SetChannelAuto exposes the ability to restore automatic channel state
// management after manually setting channel status.
SetChannelAuto func(wire.OutPoint) error
// MissionControl defines the mission control dependencies of routerrpc.
type MissionControl interface {
// GetProbability is expected to return the success probability of a
// payment from fromNode to toNode.
GetProbability(fromNode, toNode route.Vertex,
amt lnwire.MilliSatoshi) float64
2019-08-05 12:49:46 +03:00
// ResetHistory resets the history of MissionControl returning it to a
// state as if no payment attempts have been made.
2019-06-26 14:00:35 +03:00
ResetHistory() error
2019-08-05 12:49:46 +03:00
// GetHistorySnapshot takes a snapshot from the current mission control
// state and actual probability estimates.
GetHistorySnapshot() *routing.MissionControlSnapshot
2021-03-18 11:46:46 +03:00
// ImportHistory imports the mission control snapshot to our internal
// state. This import will only be applied in-memory, and will not be
// persisted across restarts.
ImportHistory(*routing.MissionControlSnapshot) error
// GetPairHistorySnapshot returns the stored history for a given node
// pair.
toNode route.Vertex) routing.TimedPairResult
// GetConfig gets mission control's current config.
GetConfig() *routing.MissionControlConfig
// SetConfig sets mission control's config to the values provided, if
// they are valid.
SetConfig(cfg *routing.MissionControlConfig) error
// QueryRoutes attempts to query the daemons' Channel Router for a possible
// route to a target destination capable of carrying a specific amount of
// satoshis within the route's flow. The retuned route contains the full
// details required to craft and send an HTLC, also including the necessary
// information that should be present within the Sphinx packet encapsulated
// within the HTLC.
2019-03-13 07:20:21 +03:00
// TODO(roasbeef): should return a slice of routes in reality * create separate
// PR to send based on well formatted route
func (r *RouterBackend) QueryRoutes(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.QueryRoutesRequest) (*lnrpc.QueryRoutesResponse, error) {
parsePubKey := func(key string) (route.Vertex, error) {
pubKeyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(key)
if err != nil {
return route.Vertex{}, err
return route.NewVertexFromBytes(pubKeyBytes)
// Parse the hex-encoded source and target public keys into full public
// key objects we can properly manipulate.
targetPubKey, err := parsePubKey(in.PubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var sourcePubKey route.Vertex
if in.SourcePubKey != "" {
var err error
sourcePubKey, err = parsePubKey(in.SourcePubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// If no source is specified, use self.
sourcePubKey = r.SelfNode
// Currently, within the bootstrap phase of the network, we limit the
// largest payment size allotted to (2^32) - 1 mSAT or 4.29 million
// satoshis.
amt, err := lnrpc.UnmarshallAmt(in.Amt, in.AmtMsat)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Unmarshall restrictions from request.
feeLimit := lnrpc.CalculateFeeLimit(in.FeeLimit, amt)
ignoredNodes := make(map[route.Vertex]struct{})
for _, ignorePubKey := range in.IgnoredNodes {
ignoreVertex, err := route.NewVertexFromBytes(ignorePubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ignoredNodes[ignoreVertex] = struct{}{}
ignoredPairs := make(map[routing.DirectedNodePair]struct{})
// Convert deprecated ignoredEdges to pairs.
for _, ignoredEdge := range in.IgnoredEdges {
pair, err := r.rpcEdgeToPair(ignoredEdge)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Ignore channel %v skipped: %v",
ignoredEdge.ChannelId, err)
ignoredPairs[pair] = struct{}{}
// Add ignored pairs to set.
for _, ignorePair := range in.IgnoredPairs {
from, err := route.NewVertexFromBytes(ignorePair.From)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
to, err := route.NewVertexFromBytes(ignorePair.To)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pair := routing.NewDirectedNodePair(from, to)
ignoredPairs[pair] = struct{}{}
// Since QueryRoutes allows having a different source other than
// ourselves, we'll only apply our max time lock if we are the source.
maxTotalTimelock := r.MaxTotalTimelock
if sourcePubKey != r.SelfNode {
maxTotalTimelock = math.MaxUint32
cltvLimit, err := ValidateCLTVLimit(in.CltvLimit, maxTotalTimelock)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We need to subtract the final delta before passing it into path
// finding. The optimal path is independent of the final cltv delta and
// the path finding algorithm is unaware of this value.
finalCLTVDelta := r.DefaultFinalCltvDelta
if in.FinalCltvDelta != 0 {
finalCLTVDelta = uint16(in.FinalCltvDelta)
// Do bounds checking without block padding so we don't give routes
// that will leave the router in a zombie payment state.
err = routing.ValidateCLTVLimit(cltvLimit, finalCLTVDelta, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cltvLimit -= uint32(finalCLTVDelta)
// Parse destination feature bits.
features, err := UnmarshalFeatures(in.DestFeatures)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
restrictions := &routing.RestrictParams{
FeeLimit: feeLimit,
ProbabilitySource: func(fromNode, toNode route.Vertex,
amt lnwire.MilliSatoshi) float64 {
if _, ok := ignoredNodes[fromNode]; ok {
return 0
pair := routing.DirectedNodePair{
From: fromNode,
To: toNode,
if _, ok := ignoredPairs[pair]; ok {
return 0
if !in.UseMissionControl {
return 1
return r.MissionControl.GetProbability(
fromNode, toNode, amt,
DestCustomRecords: record.CustomSet(in.DestCustomRecords),
CltvLimit: cltvLimit,
DestFeatures: features,
// Pass along an outgoing channel restriction if specified.
if in.OutgoingChanId != 0 {
restrictions.OutgoingChannelIDs = []uint64{in.OutgoingChanId}
// Pass along a last hop restriction if specified.
if len(in.LastHopPubkey) > 0 {
lastHop, err := route.NewVertexFromBytes(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
restrictions.LastHop = &lastHop
// If we have any TLV records destined for the final hop, then we'll
// attempt to decode them now into a form that the router can more
// easily manipulate.
customRecords := record.CustomSet(in.DestCustomRecords)
if err := customRecords.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Convert route hints to an edge map.
routeHints, err := unmarshallRouteHints(in.RouteHints)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
routeHintEdges, err := routing.RouteHintsToEdges(
routeHints, targetPubKey,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Query the channel router for a possible path to the destination that
// can carry `in.Amt` satoshis _including_ the total fee required on
// the route.
route, err := r.FindRoute(
sourcePubKey, targetPubKey, amt, restrictions,
customRecords, routeHintEdges, finalCLTVDelta,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// For each valid route, we'll convert the result into the format
// required by the RPC system.
rpcRoute, err := r.MarshallRoute(route)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Calculate route success probability. Do not rely on a probability
// that could have been returned from path finding, because mission
// control may have been disabled in the provided ProbabilitySource.
successProb := r.getSuccessProbability(route)
routeResp := &lnrpc.QueryRoutesResponse{
Routes: []*lnrpc.Route{rpcRoute},
SuccessProb: successProb,
return routeResp, nil
// getSuccessProbability returns the success probability for the given route
// based on the current state of mission control.
func (r *RouterBackend) getSuccessProbability(rt *route.Route) float64 {
fromNode := rt.SourcePubKey
amtToFwd := rt.TotalAmount
successProb := 1.0
for _, hop := range rt.Hops {
toNode := hop.PubKeyBytes
probability := r.MissionControl.GetProbability(
fromNode, toNode, amtToFwd,
successProb *= probability
amtToFwd = hop.AmtToForward
fromNode = toNode
return successProb
// rpcEdgeToPair looks up the provided channel and returns the channel endpoints
// as a directed pair.
func (r *RouterBackend) rpcEdgeToPair(e *lnrpc.EdgeLocator) (
routing.DirectedNodePair, error) {
a, b, err := r.FetchChannelEndpoints(e.ChannelId)
if err != nil {
return routing.DirectedNodePair{}, err
var pair routing.DirectedNodePair
if e.DirectionReverse {
pair.From, pair.To = b, a
} else {
pair.From, pair.To = a, b
return pair, nil
// MarshallRoute marshalls an internal route to an rpc route struct.
func (r *RouterBackend) MarshallRoute(route *route.Route) (*lnrpc.Route, error) {
resp := &lnrpc.Route{
TotalTimeLock: route.TotalTimeLock,
TotalFees: int64(route.TotalFees().ToSatoshis()),
TotalFeesMsat: int64(route.TotalFees()),
TotalAmt: int64(route.TotalAmount.ToSatoshis()),
TotalAmtMsat: int64(route.TotalAmount),
Hops: make([]*lnrpc.Hop, len(route.Hops)),
incomingAmt := route.TotalAmount
for i, hop := range route.Hops {
fee := route.HopFee(i)
// Channel capacity is not a defining property of a route. For
// backwards RPC compatibility, we retrieve it here from the
// graph.
chanCapacity, err := r.FetchChannelCapacity(hop.ChannelID)
if err != nil {
// If capacity cannot be retrieved, this may be a
// not-yet-received or private channel. Then report
// amount that is sent through the channel as capacity.
chanCapacity = incomingAmt.ToSatoshis()
// Extract the MPP fields if present on this hop.
var mpp *lnrpc.MPPRecord
if hop.MPP != nil {
addr := hop.MPP.PaymentAddr()
mpp = &lnrpc.MPPRecord{
PaymentAddr: addr[:],
TotalAmtMsat: int64(hop.MPP.TotalMsat()),
resp.Hops[i] = &lnrpc.Hop{
ChanId: hop.ChannelID,
ChanCapacity: int64(chanCapacity),
AmtToForward: int64(hop.AmtToForward.ToSatoshis()),
AmtToForwardMsat: int64(hop.AmtToForward),
Fee: int64(fee.ToSatoshis()),
FeeMsat: int64(fee),
Expiry: uint32(hop.OutgoingTimeLock),
PubKey: hex.EncodeToString(
2019-03-13 07:20:21 +03:00
CustomRecords: hop.CustomRecords,
TlvPayload: !hop.LegacyPayload,
MppRecord: mpp,
incomingAmt = hop.AmtToForward
return resp, nil
// UnmarshallHopWithPubkey unmarshalls an rpc hop for which the pubkey has
// already been extracted.
func UnmarshallHopWithPubkey(rpcHop *lnrpc.Hop, pubkey route.Vertex) (*route.Hop,
error) {
customRecords := record.CustomSet(rpcHop.CustomRecords)
if err := customRecords.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
mpp, err := UnmarshalMPP(rpcHop.MppRecord)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
2021-03-25 05:53:13 +03:00
amp, err := UnmarshalAMP(rpcHop.AmpRecord)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &route.Hop{
OutgoingTimeLock: rpcHop.Expiry,
AmtToForward: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(rpcHop.AmtToForwardMsat),
PubKeyBytes: pubkey,
ChannelID: rpcHop.ChanId,
CustomRecords: customRecords,
LegacyPayload: !rpcHop.TlvPayload,
MPP: mpp,
2021-03-25 05:53:13 +03:00
AMP: amp,
}, nil
// UnmarshallHop unmarshalls an rpc hop that may or may not contain a node
// pubkey.
func (r *RouterBackend) UnmarshallHop(rpcHop *lnrpc.Hop,
prevNodePubKey [33]byte) (*route.Hop, error) {
var pubKeyBytes [33]byte
if rpcHop.PubKey != "" {
// Unmarshall the provided hop pubkey.
pubKey, err := hex.DecodeString(rpcHop.PubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot decode pubkey %s",
copy(pubKeyBytes[:], pubKey)
} else {
// If no pub key is given of the hop, the local channel graph
// needs to be queried to complete the information necessary for
// routing. Discard edge policies, because they may be nil.
node1, node2, err := r.FetchChannelEndpoints(rpcHop.ChanId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch {
case prevNodePubKey == node1:
pubKeyBytes = node2
case prevNodePubKey == node2:
pubKeyBytes = node1
return nil, fmt.Errorf("channel edge does not match " +
"expected node")
return UnmarshallHopWithPubkey(rpcHop, pubKeyBytes)
// UnmarshallRoute unmarshalls an rpc route. For hops that don't specify a
// pubkey, the channel graph is queried.
func (r *RouterBackend) UnmarshallRoute(rpcroute *lnrpc.Route) (
*route.Route, error) {
prevNodePubKey := r.SelfNode
hops := make([]*route.Hop, len(rpcroute.Hops))
for i, hop := range rpcroute.Hops {
routeHop, err := r.UnmarshallHop(hop, prevNodePubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hops[i] = routeHop
prevNodePubKey = routeHop.PubKeyBytes
route, err := route.NewRouteFromHops(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return route, nil
// extractIntentFromSendRequest attempts to parse the SendRequest details
// required to dispatch a client from the information presented by an RPC
// client.
func (r *RouterBackend) extractIntentFromSendRequest(
rpcPayReq *SendPaymentRequest) (*routing.LightningPayment, error) {
payIntent := &routing.LightningPayment{}
// Pass along restrictions on the outgoing channels that may be used.
payIntent.OutgoingChannelIDs = rpcPayReq.OutgoingChanIds
// Add the deprecated single outgoing channel restriction if present.
if rpcPayReq.OutgoingChanId != 0 {
if payIntent.OutgoingChannelIDs != nil {
return nil, errors.New("outgoing_chan_id and " +
"outgoing_chan_ids are mutually exclusive")
payIntent.OutgoingChannelIDs = append(
payIntent.OutgoingChannelIDs, rpcPayReq.OutgoingChanId,
// Pass along a last hop restriction if specified.
if len(rpcPayReq.LastHopPubkey) > 0 {
lastHop, err := route.NewVertexFromBytes(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
payIntent.LastHop = &lastHop
// Take the CLTV limit from the request if set, otherwise use the max.
cltvLimit, err := ValidateCLTVLimit(
uint32(rpcPayReq.CltvLimit), r.MaxTotalTimelock,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
payIntent.CltvLimit = cltvLimit
// Attempt to parse the max parts value set by the user, if this value
// isn't set, then we'll use the current default value for this
// setting.
maxParts := rpcPayReq.MaxParts
if maxParts == 0 {
maxParts = DefaultMaxParts
payIntent.MaxParts = maxParts
// If this payment had a max shard amount specified, then we'll apply
// that now, which'll force us to always make payment splits smaller
// than this.
if rpcPayReq.MaxShardSizeMsat > 0 {
shardAmtMsat := lnwire.MilliSatoshi(rpcPayReq.MaxShardSizeMsat)
payIntent.MaxShardAmt = &shardAmtMsat
// Take fee limit from request.
payIntent.FeeLimit, err = lnrpc.UnmarshallAmt(
rpcPayReq.FeeLimitSat, rpcPayReq.FeeLimitMsat,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Set payment attempt timeout.
if rpcPayReq.TimeoutSeconds == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("timeout_seconds must be specified")
customRecords := record.CustomSet(rpcPayReq.DestCustomRecords)
if err := customRecords.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
payIntent.DestCustomRecords = customRecords
payIntent.PayAttemptTimeout = time.Second *
// Route hints.
routeHints, err := unmarshallRouteHints(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
payIntent.RouteHints = routeHints
// Unmarshall either sat or msat amount from request.
reqAmt, err := lnrpc.UnmarshallAmt(
rpcPayReq.Amt, rpcPayReq.AmtMsat,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the payment request field isn't blank, then the details of the
// invoice are encoded entirely within the encoded payReq. So we'll
// attempt to decode it, populating the payment accordingly.
if rpcPayReq.PaymentRequest != "" {
switch {
case len(rpcPayReq.Dest) > 0:
return nil, errors.New("dest and payment_request " +
"cannot appear together")
case len(rpcPayReq.PaymentHash) > 0:
return nil, errors.New("dest and payment_hash " +
"cannot appear together")
case rpcPayReq.FinalCltvDelta != 0:
return nil, errors.New("dest and final_cltv_delta " +
"cannot appear together")
payReq, err := zpay32.Decode(
rpcPayReq.PaymentRequest, r.ActiveNetParams,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Next, we'll ensure that this payreq hasn't already expired.
err = ValidatePayReqExpiry(payReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the amount was not included in the invoice, then we let
// the payee specify the amount of satoshis they wish to send.
// We override the amount to pay with the amount provided from
// the payment request.
if payReq.MilliSat == nil {
if reqAmt == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("amount must be " +
"specified when paying a zero amount " +
payIntent.Amount = reqAmt
} else {
if reqAmt != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("amount must not be " +
"specified when paying a non-zero " +
" amount invoice")
payIntent.Amount = *payReq.MilliSat
if !payReq.Features.HasFeature(lnwire.MPPOptional) &&
!payReq.Features.HasFeature(lnwire.AMPOptional) {
payIntent.MaxParts = 1
payAddr := payReq.PaymentAddr
if payReq.Features.HasFeature(lnwire.AMPOptional) {
// Generate random SetID and root share.
var setID [32]byte
_, err = rand.Read(setID[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var rootShare [32]byte
_, err = rand.Read(rootShare[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err := payIntent.SetAMP(&routing.AMPOptions{
SetID: setID,
RootShare: rootShare,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// For AMP invoices, we'll allow users to override the
// included payment addr to allow the invoice to be
// pseudo-reusable, e.g. the invoice parameters are
// reused (amt, cltv, hop hints, etc) even though the
// payments will share different payment hashes.
if len(rpcPayReq.PaymentAddr) > 0 {
var addr [32]byte
copy(addr[:], rpcPayReq.PaymentAddr)
payAddr = &addr
} else {
err = payIntent.SetPaymentHash(*payReq.PaymentHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
destKey := payReq.Destination.SerializeCompressed()
copy(payIntent.Target[:], destKey)
payIntent.FinalCLTVDelta = uint16(payReq.MinFinalCLTVExpiry())
payIntent.RouteHints = append(
payIntent.RouteHints, payReq.RouteHints...,
payIntent.DestFeatures = payReq.Features
payIntent.PaymentAddr = payAddr
payIntent.PaymentRequest = []byte(rpcPayReq.PaymentRequest)
} else {
// Otherwise, If the payment request field was not specified
// (and a custom route wasn't specified), construct the payment
// from the other fields.
// Payment destination.
target, err := route.NewVertexFromBytes(rpcPayReq.Dest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
payIntent.Target = target
// Final payment CLTV delta.
if rpcPayReq.FinalCltvDelta != 0 {
payIntent.FinalCLTVDelta =
} else {
payIntent.FinalCLTVDelta = r.DefaultFinalCltvDelta
// Amount.
if reqAmt == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("amount must be specified")
payIntent.Amount = reqAmt
// Parse destination feature bits.
features, err := UnmarshalFeatures(rpcPayReq.DestFeatures)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Validate the features if any was specified.
if features != nil {
err = feature.ValidateDeps(features)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If this is an AMP payment, we must generate the initial
// randomness.
if rpcPayReq.Amp {
// If no destination features were specified, we set
// those necessary for AMP payments.
if features == nil {
ampFeatures := []lnrpc.FeatureBit{
features, err = UnmarshalFeatures(ampFeatures)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// First make sure the destination supports AMP.
if !features.HasFeature(lnwire.AMPOptional) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("destination doesn't " +
"support AMP payments")
// If no payment address is set, generate a random one.
var payAddr [32]byte
if len(rpcPayReq.PaymentAddr) == 0 {
_, err = rand.Read(payAddr[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
copy(payAddr[:], rpcPayReq.PaymentAddr)
payIntent.PaymentAddr = &payAddr
// Generate random SetID and root share.
var setID [32]byte
_, err = rand.Read(setID[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var rootShare [32]byte
_, err = rand.Read(rootShare[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err := payIntent.SetAMP(&routing.AMPOptions{
SetID: setID,
RootShare: rootShare,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// Payment hash.
paymentHash, err := lntypes.MakeHash(rpcPayReq.PaymentHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = payIntent.SetPaymentHash(paymentHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the payment addresses is specified, then we'll
// also populate that now as well.
if len(rpcPayReq.PaymentAddr) != 0 {
var payAddr [32]byte
copy(payAddr[:], rpcPayReq.PaymentAddr)
payIntent.PaymentAddr = &payAddr
payIntent.DestFeatures = features
// Do bounds checking with the block padding so the router isn't
// left with a zombie payment in case the user messes up.
err = routing.ValidateCLTVLimit(
payIntent.CltvLimit, payIntent.FinalCLTVDelta, true,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check for disallowed payments to self.
if !rpcPayReq.AllowSelfPayment && payIntent.Target == r.SelfNode {
return nil, errors.New("self-payments not allowed")
return payIntent, nil
// unmarshallRouteHints unmarshalls a list of route hints.
func unmarshallRouteHints(rpcRouteHints []*lnrpc.RouteHint) (
[][]zpay32.HopHint, error) {
routeHints := make([][]zpay32.HopHint, 0, len(rpcRouteHints))
for _, rpcRouteHint := range rpcRouteHints {
routeHint := make(
[]zpay32.HopHint, 0, len(rpcRouteHint.HopHints),
for _, rpcHint := range rpcRouteHint.HopHints {
hint, err := unmarshallHopHint(rpcHint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
routeHint = append(routeHint, hint)
routeHints = append(routeHints, routeHint)
return routeHints, nil
// unmarshallHopHint unmarshalls a single hop hint.
func unmarshallHopHint(rpcHint *lnrpc.HopHint) (zpay32.HopHint, error) {
pubBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(rpcHint.NodeId)
if err != nil {
return zpay32.HopHint{}, err
pubkey, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(pubBytes, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return zpay32.HopHint{}, err
return zpay32.HopHint{
NodeID: pubkey,
ChannelID: rpcHint.ChanId,
FeeBaseMSat: rpcHint.FeeBaseMsat,
FeeProportionalMillionths: rpcHint.FeeProportionalMillionths,
CLTVExpiryDelta: uint16(rpcHint.CltvExpiryDelta),
}, nil
// UnmarshalFeatures converts a list of uint32's into a valid feature vector.
// This method checks that feature bit pairs aren't assigned toegether, and
2020-01-18 00:12:02 +03:00
// validates transitive dependencies.
func UnmarshalFeatures(
rpcFeatures []lnrpc.FeatureBit) (*lnwire.FeatureVector, error) {
// If no destination features are specified we'll return nil to signal
// that the router should try to use the graph as a fallback.
if rpcFeatures == nil {
return nil, nil
raw := lnwire.NewRawFeatureVector()
for _, bit := range rpcFeatures {
err := raw.SafeSet(lnwire.FeatureBit(bit))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return lnwire.NewFeatureVector(raw, lnwire.Features), nil
// ValidatePayReqExpiry checks if the passed payment request has expired. In
// the case it has expired, an error will be returned.
func ValidatePayReqExpiry(payReq *zpay32.Invoice) error {
expiry := payReq.Expiry()
validUntil := payReq.Timestamp.Add(expiry)
if time.Now().After(validUntil) {
return fmt.Errorf("invoice expired. Valid until %v", validUntil)
return nil
// ValidateCLTVLimit returns a valid CLTV limit given a value and a maximum. If
// the value exceeds the maximum, then an error is returned. If the value is 0,
// then the maximum is used.
func ValidateCLTVLimit(val, max uint32) (uint32, error) {
switch {
case val == 0:
return max, nil
case val > max:
return 0, fmt.Errorf("total time lock of %v exceeds max "+
"allowed %v", val, max)
return val, nil
// UnmarshalMPP accepts the mpp_total_amt_msat and mpp_payment_addr fields from
// an RPC request and converts into an record.MPP object. An error is returned
// if the payment address is not 0 or 32 bytes. If the total amount and payment
// address are zero-value, the return value will be nil signaling there is no
// MPP record to attach to this hop. Otherwise, a non-nil reocrd will be
// contained combining the provided values.
func UnmarshalMPP(reqMPP *lnrpc.MPPRecord) (*record.MPP, error) {
// If no MPP record was submitted, assume the user wants to send a
// regular payment.
if reqMPP == nil {
return nil, nil
reqTotal := reqMPP.TotalAmtMsat
reqAddr := reqMPP.PaymentAddr
switch {
// No MPP fields were provided.
case reqTotal == 0 && len(reqAddr) == 0:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing total_msat and payment_addr")
// Total is present, but payment address is missing.
case reqTotal > 0 && len(reqAddr) == 0:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing payment_addr")
// Payment address is present, but total is missing.
case reqTotal == 0 && len(reqAddr) > 0:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing total_msat")
addr, err := lntypes.MakeHash(reqAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse "+
"payment_addr: %v", err)
total := lnwire.MilliSatoshi(reqTotal)
return record.NewMPP(total, addr), nil
2021-03-25 05:53:13 +03:00
func UnmarshalAMP(reqAMP *lnrpc.AMPRecord) (*record.AMP, error) {
if reqAMP == nil {
return nil, nil
reqRootShare := reqAMP.RootShare
reqSetID := reqAMP.SetId
switch {
case len(reqRootShare) != 32:
return nil, errors.New("AMP root_share must be 32 bytes")
case len(reqSetID) != 32:
return nil, errors.New("AMP set_id must be 32 bytes")
var (
rootShare [32]byte
setID [32]byte
copy(rootShare[:], reqRootShare)
copy(setID[:], reqSetID)
return record.NewAMP(rootShare, setID, reqAMP.ChildIndex), nil
// MarshalHTLCAttempt constructs an RPC HTLCAttempt from the db representation.
func (r *RouterBackend) MarshalHTLCAttempt(
htlc channeldb.HTLCAttempt) (*lnrpc.HTLCAttempt, error) {
route, err := r.MarshallRoute(&htlc.Route)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcAttempt := &lnrpc.HTLCAttempt{
2021-01-25 19:18:30 +03:00
AttemptId: htlc.AttemptID,
AttemptTimeNs: MarshalTimeNano(htlc.AttemptTime),
Route: route,
switch {
case htlc.Settle != nil:
rpcAttempt.Status = lnrpc.HTLCAttempt_SUCCEEDED
rpcAttempt.ResolveTimeNs = MarshalTimeNano(
rpcAttempt.Preimage = htlc.Settle.Preimage[:]
case htlc.Failure != nil:
rpcAttempt.Status = lnrpc.HTLCAttempt_FAILED
rpcAttempt.ResolveTimeNs = MarshalTimeNano(
var err error
rpcAttempt.Failure, err = marshallHtlcFailure(htlc.Failure)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcAttempt.Status = lnrpc.HTLCAttempt_IN_FLIGHT
return rpcAttempt, nil
// marshallHtlcFailure marshalls htlc fail info from the database to its rpc
// representation.
func marshallHtlcFailure(failure *channeldb.HTLCFailInfo) (*lnrpc.Failure,
error) {
rpcFailure := &lnrpc.Failure{
FailureSourceIndex: failure.FailureSourceIndex,
switch failure.Reason {
case channeldb.HTLCFailUnknown:
rpcFailure.Code = lnrpc.Failure_UNKNOWN_FAILURE
case channeldb.HTLCFailUnreadable:
rpcFailure.Code = lnrpc.Failure_UNREADABLE_FAILURE
case channeldb.HTLCFailInternal:
rpcFailure.Code = lnrpc.Failure_INTERNAL_FAILURE
case channeldb.HTLCFailMessage:
err := marshallWireError(failure.Message, rpcFailure)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, errors.New("unknown htlc failure reason")
return rpcFailure, nil
// MarshalTimeNano converts a time.Time into its nanosecond representation. If
// the time is zero, this method simply returns 0, since calling UnixNano() on a
// zero-valued time is undefined.
func MarshalTimeNano(t time.Time) int64 {
if t.IsZero() {
return 0
return t.UnixNano()
// marshallError marshall an error as received from the switch to rpc structs
// suitable for returning to the caller of an rpc method.
// Because of difficulties with using protobuf oneof constructs in some
// languages, the decision was made here to use a single message format for all
// failure messages with some fields left empty depending on the failure type.
func marshallError(sendError error) (*lnrpc.Failure, error) {
response := &lnrpc.Failure{}
if sendError == htlcswitch.ErrUnreadableFailureMessage {
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_UNREADABLE_FAILURE
return response, nil
rtErr, ok := sendError.(htlcswitch.ClearTextError)
if !ok {
return nil, sendError
err := marshallWireError(rtErr.WireMessage(), response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the ClearTextError received is a ForwardingError, the error
// originated from a node along the route, not locally on our outgoing
// link. We set failureSourceIdx to the index of the node where the
// failure occurred. If the error is not a ForwardingError, the failure
// occurred at our node, so we leave the index as 0 to indicate that
// we failed locally.
fErr, ok := rtErr.(*htlcswitch.ForwardingError)
if ok {
response.FailureSourceIndex = uint32(fErr.FailureSourceIdx)
return response, nil
// marshallError marshall an error as received from the switch to rpc structs
// suitable for returning to the caller of an rpc method.
// Because of difficulties with using protobuf oneof constructs in some
// languages, the decision was made here to use a single message format for all
// failure messages with some fields left empty depending on the failure type.
func marshallWireError(msg lnwire.FailureMessage,
response *lnrpc.Failure) error {
switch onionErr := msg.(type) {
case *lnwire.FailIncorrectDetails:
response.Height = onionErr.Height()
case *lnwire.FailIncorrectPaymentAmount:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_INCORRECT_PAYMENT_AMOUNT
case *lnwire.FailFinalIncorrectCltvExpiry:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_FINAL_INCORRECT_CLTV_EXPIRY
response.CltvExpiry = onionErr.CltvExpiry
case *lnwire.FailFinalIncorrectHtlcAmount:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_FINAL_INCORRECT_HTLC_AMOUNT
response.HtlcMsat = uint64(onionErr.IncomingHTLCAmount)
case *lnwire.FailFinalExpiryTooSoon:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_FINAL_EXPIRY_TOO_SOON
case *lnwire.FailInvalidRealm:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_INVALID_REALM
case *lnwire.FailExpiryTooSoon:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_EXPIRY_TOO_SOON
response.ChannelUpdate = marshallChannelUpdate(&onionErr.Update)
case *lnwire.FailExpiryTooFar:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_EXPIRY_TOO_FAR
case *lnwire.FailInvalidOnionVersion:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_INVALID_ONION_VERSION
response.OnionSha_256 = onionErr.OnionSHA256[:]
case *lnwire.FailInvalidOnionHmac:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_INVALID_ONION_HMAC
response.OnionSha_256 = onionErr.OnionSHA256[:]
case *lnwire.FailInvalidOnionKey:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_INVALID_ONION_KEY
response.OnionSha_256 = onionErr.OnionSHA256[:]
case *lnwire.FailAmountBelowMinimum:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_AMOUNT_BELOW_MINIMUM
response.ChannelUpdate = marshallChannelUpdate(&onionErr.Update)
response.HtlcMsat = uint64(onionErr.HtlcMsat)
case *lnwire.FailFeeInsufficient:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_FEE_INSUFFICIENT
response.ChannelUpdate = marshallChannelUpdate(&onionErr.Update)
response.HtlcMsat = uint64(onionErr.HtlcMsat)
case *lnwire.FailIncorrectCltvExpiry:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_INCORRECT_CLTV_EXPIRY
response.ChannelUpdate = marshallChannelUpdate(&onionErr.Update)
response.CltvExpiry = onionErr.CltvExpiry
case *lnwire.FailChannelDisabled:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_CHANNEL_DISABLED
response.ChannelUpdate = marshallChannelUpdate(&onionErr.Update)
response.Flags = uint32(onionErr.Flags)
case *lnwire.FailTemporaryChannelFailure:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE
response.ChannelUpdate = marshallChannelUpdate(onionErr.Update)
case *lnwire.FailRequiredNodeFeatureMissing:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_REQUIRED_NODE_FEATURE_MISSING
case *lnwire.FailRequiredChannelFeatureMissing:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_REQUIRED_CHANNEL_FEATURE_MISSING
case *lnwire.FailUnknownNextPeer:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_UNKNOWN_NEXT_PEER
case *lnwire.FailTemporaryNodeFailure:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_TEMPORARY_NODE_FAILURE
case *lnwire.FailPermanentNodeFailure:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_PERMANENT_NODE_FAILURE
case *lnwire.FailPermanentChannelFailure:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_PERMANENT_CHANNEL_FAILURE
case *lnwire.FailMPPTimeout:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_MPP_TIMEOUT
case *lnwire.InvalidOnionPayload:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_INVALID_ONION_PAYLOAD
case nil:
response.Code = lnrpc.Failure_UNKNOWN_FAILURE
return fmt.Errorf("cannot marshall failure %T", onionErr)
return nil
// marshallChannelUpdate marshalls a channel update as received over the wire to
// the router rpc format.
func marshallChannelUpdate(update *lnwire.ChannelUpdate) *lnrpc.ChannelUpdate {
if update == nil {
return nil
return &lnrpc.ChannelUpdate{
Signature: update.Signature[:],
ChainHash: update.ChainHash[:],
ChanId: update.ShortChannelID.ToUint64(),
Timestamp: update.Timestamp,
MessageFlags: uint32(update.MessageFlags),
ChannelFlags: uint32(update.ChannelFlags),
TimeLockDelta: uint32(update.TimeLockDelta),
HtlcMinimumMsat: uint64(update.HtlcMinimumMsat),
BaseFee: update.BaseFee,
FeeRate: update.FeeRate,
HtlcMaximumMsat: uint64(update.HtlcMaximumMsat),
ExtraOpaqueData: update.ExtraOpaqueData,
2020-04-03 18:01:47 +03:00
// MarshallPayment marshall a payment to its rpc representation.
func (r *RouterBackend) MarshallPayment(payment *channeldb.MPPayment) (
*lnrpc.Payment, error) {
// Fetch the payment's preimage and the total paid in fees.
2020-04-03 18:01:47 +03:00
var (
fee lnwire.MilliSatoshi
2020-04-03 18:01:47 +03:00
preimage lntypes.Preimage
for _, htlc := range payment.HTLCs {
// If any of the htlcs have settled, extract a valid
// preimage.
if htlc.Settle != nil {
preimage = htlc.Settle.Preimage
fee += htlc.Route.TotalFees()
2020-04-03 18:01:47 +03:00
msatValue := int64(payment.Info.Value)
satValue := int64(payment.Info.Value.ToSatoshis())
status, err := convertPaymentStatus(payment.Status)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
htlcs := make([]*lnrpc.HTLCAttempt, 0, len(payment.HTLCs))
for _, dbHTLC := range payment.HTLCs {
htlc, err := r.MarshalHTLCAttempt(dbHTLC)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
htlcs = append(htlcs, htlc)
paymentID := payment.Info.PaymentIdentifier
2020-04-03 18:01:47 +03:00
creationTimeNS := MarshalTimeNano(payment.Info.CreationTime)
2020-04-06 12:05:25 +03:00
failureReason, err := marshallPaymentFailureReason(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
2020-04-03 18:01:47 +03:00
return &lnrpc.Payment{
// TODO: set this to setID for AMP-payments?
PaymentHash: hex.EncodeToString(paymentID[:]),
2020-04-03 18:01:47 +03:00
Value: satValue,
ValueMsat: msatValue,
ValueSat: satValue,
CreationDate: payment.Info.CreationTime.Unix(),
CreationTimeNs: creationTimeNS,
Fee: int64(fee.ToSatoshis()),
FeeSat: int64(fee.ToSatoshis()),
FeeMsat: int64(fee),
2020-04-03 18:01:47 +03:00
PaymentPreimage: hex.EncodeToString(preimage[:]),
PaymentRequest: string(payment.Info.PaymentRequest),
Status: status,
Htlcs: htlcs,
PaymentIndex: payment.SequenceNum,
2020-04-06 12:05:25 +03:00
FailureReason: failureReason,
2020-04-03 18:01:47 +03:00
}, nil
// convertPaymentStatus converts a channeldb.PaymentStatus to the type expected
// by the RPC.
func convertPaymentStatus(dbStatus channeldb.PaymentStatus) (
lnrpc.Payment_PaymentStatus, error) {
switch dbStatus {
case channeldb.StatusUnknown:
return lnrpc.Payment_UNKNOWN, nil
case channeldb.StatusInFlight:
return lnrpc.Payment_IN_FLIGHT, nil
case channeldb.StatusSucceeded:
return lnrpc.Payment_SUCCEEDED, nil
case channeldb.StatusFailed:
return lnrpc.Payment_FAILED, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhandled payment status %v", dbStatus)
2020-04-06 12:05:25 +03:00
// marshallPaymentFailureReason marshalls the failure reason to the corresponding rpc
// type.
func marshallPaymentFailureReason(reason *channeldb.FailureReason) (
lnrpc.PaymentFailureReason, error) {
if reason == nil {
return lnrpc.PaymentFailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_NONE, nil
switch *reason {
case channeldb.FailureReasonTimeout:
return lnrpc.PaymentFailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_TIMEOUT, nil
case channeldb.FailureReasonNoRoute:
return lnrpc.PaymentFailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_NO_ROUTE, nil
case channeldb.FailureReasonError:
return lnrpc.PaymentFailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_ERROR, nil
case channeldb.FailureReasonPaymentDetails:
return lnrpc.PaymentFailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_INCORRECT_PAYMENT_DETAILS, nil
case channeldb.FailureReasonInsufficientBalance:
return lnrpc.PaymentFailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE, nil
return 0, errors.New("unknown failure reason")